Who is entitled to interpret the risks of mobile phone radiation?

About campaigns of an industrial cartel, Federal Office for Radiation Protection and ICNIRP
In 2022, there were four media campaigns in Germany with the message: mobile phone radiation is no health risk for children and adults. diagnose:funk proves in this ‘Brennpunkt’ (Focus) that the population was disinformed with these campaigns and reveals the tactics of manipulation.
diagnose:funk Brennpunkt

Whether or not mobile phone radiation is harmful to health is not only the subject of a debate about the results of research. It is also a debate about product marketing, in this case the multi-billion-dollar business of a key industry. The `Brennpunkt´ on the sovereignty of interpretation of the risks of mobile phone radiation documents in five analyses how research results are manipulated for product marketing and instrumentalised for the disinformation of the population:



  • 1. the devaluation of the results of the STOA study
  • 2. the misinterpretation of the results of the of the MOBI Kids Study
  • 3. the misinterpretation of the UK-Million Women study
  • 4. the disinformation of the medical profession in the 5G article by the ICNIRP representative Prof. M. Röösli in the journal Aktuelle Kardiologie
  • 5. the tactics of industry propaganda

>>> Download Brennpunkt: Who is entitled to interpret the risks of mobile phone radiation? About campaigns of an industrial cartel, Federal Office for Radiation Protection and ICNIRP. (>>> German version)


Download: Klaus Scheler, Peter Hensinger (2022): Findings of the MOBI-Kids study and their misinterpretation spread by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection, umwelt-medizin-gesellschaft, 3/2022

See also: https://www.emf-portal.org/de/article/46426

Download: Peter Hensinger (2022): An analysis of Prof. Röösli’s presentation of available studies on non-ionizing radiation and 5G, umwelt-medizin-gesellschaft, 2/2022

See also: Louis Slesin / Microwave News (2022): The Odious Smell of Truth. Corruption of the Scientific Literature Continues.

See also: https://www.emf-portal.org/de/article/46316

Download: David Michaels, Celeste Monforton (2005): Manufacturing Uncertainty: Contested Science and the Protection of the Public’s Health and Environment, American Journal of Public Health | Supplement 1, 2005, Vol 95, No. S1

"Cell phones do not cause tumors" dpa press releaseBadische Zeitung

"We are very concerned about this discussion…”

Mobile phone risks? Telefónica CEO Markus Haas' statement on the wireless study situation is downright classic:

  • "We are very concerned about this discussion because it is fact-free. There are no studies that even see a health risk of any kind."[1]

In order to turn this opinion into public opinion, especially to justify the rapid expansion of 5G, the Federal Government's campaign "Germany talks about 5G" was launched in 2020.[2] A second all-clear wave was staged in the first half of 2022 as a media-campaign based on four studies (see above 1-4) with the message: mobile phone radiation is harmless to health. There is no risk of cancer. This all-clear wave was carried by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), the Federal government, the ICNIRP, the dpa (German press agency), conceived by the advertising agency Scholz & Friends.

Reaction to the current study situation

This campaign was obviously a reaction on two factors:

1. The first factor in this all-clear campaign is the pressure to justify new study results. In the year 2021, the Technology Assessment Committee of the European Parliament published the STOA study "Health impact of 5G", a 198-page report as a basis for decision-making for politicians.[3] 270 studies on cancer and fertility were qualitatively evaluated according to internationally defined criteria, with the result: mobile phone radiation is harmful to health, which makes a protection and precautionary policy absolutely necessary.

Mobile phone radiation (= non-ionising radiation) was already classified by the WHO as "possibly carcinogenic" (2B) as early as 2011. The results of the latest individual studies, namely the US-American study NTP, the Italian Ramazzini and the Austrian AUVA studies are clear: mobile phone radiation can cause cancer. The meta-analysis by Choi et al. (2020) confirms that there is significant evidence of an increased tumour risk for heavy users (=17 minutes of daily mobile phone use over 10 years).[4] Regarding the possible effects of mobile phones on sperm quality, a team of researchers led by Professor Yun Hak Kim of Pusan National University, an elite university in South Korea, conducted a meta-analysis that demonstrates sperm damage.[5] The systematic review by Balmori (2022) in the journal Environmental Research concluded that the majority of studies show adverse health effects in people living near a mobile phone base station (cell-towers).[6]

In the conclusion of the largest review to date on oxidative cell stress / ROS (free radicals, reactive oxygen species) by Schürmann/Mevissen (2021), the authors conclude that this mechanism of damage can be proven and thus the radiation can be the cause of inflammatory diseases.[7]

diagnose:funk documents the study situation on the database www.Emfdata.org, the ElectrosmogReport, with a list of more than 120 reviews. The BioInitiative Group also documents the risks in its summaries (13).  This calls into question the BfS's sovereignty of interpretation.

The fact that EU boards have been calling for a radiation protection policy since 2020 caused to particular nervousness in the industry and the BfS (German Federal Office for Radiation Protection). In March 2022, the Economic and Social Committee of the European Union (EESC) published an opinion in the Official Journal of the EU (04.03.2022) in which consequences for a radiation protection policy and new limit values are drawn from the study situation and the corresponding debate.[8]

In February 2022, the German Bundestag published the 300-page report on the technology assessment of non-ionising radiation, which lists 66 studies with significant results of biological risks. diagnose:funk has published three analyses of this report so far.

The ICBE-EMF (International Commission on the Biological Effects of EMF) points out in its critique critique of limit values "Scientific evidence invalidate the health assumptions made by the FCC (Federal Communication Commission, USA) and ICNIRP limit values for radiofrequency radiation: Implications for 5G" demonstrates that the ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) limit values are scientifically untenable and have no protective function. diagnose:funk summarised the current study situation in a keynote speech.

2. The second factor: This situation has also led to Citizens' initiatives have sprung up all over the country, using well-founded arguments to oppose the erection of mobile phone masts. Surveys by Bitkom (Industry association of the German information and telecommunications sector) and the BfS (German Federal Office for Radiation Protection) have shown that the public is still very concerned about the risks of radiation.

In response to these two factors - increasingly conclusive study results and public protest - a German media offensive was launched in early 2022 to influence the target groups of parents, doctors and politicians. The all-clear messages were picked up by almost all media, including major medical portals.

This reaction shows the important role of diagnose:funk through its documentation of research and its confrontation with attempts to ignore or misrepresent research findings. diagnose:funk dealt with this wave of propaganda in detail. The entire confrontation is documented on our homepage: www.diagnose-funk.org/1866.


[1] https://www.tagesspiegel.de/wirtschaft/uns-beunruhigtdie-faktenfreie-diskussion-uber-5g-7343332.html

[2] diagnose:funk article series on the Federal Government's campaign: https://www.diagnose-funk.org/1657

[3] Download of the study: https://www.diagnosefunk.org/1789

[4] NTP (2018a): NTP Technical Report on the toxicology an carcinogenesis in Hsd: Sprague Dawley SD Rats exposed to whole-body radio frequency radiation at a Frequency (900 MHz) an modulations (GSM an CDMA) used by cellphones

NTP (2018b): NTP Technical Report on the toxicology an carcinogenesis in B6C3F1/N MICE exposed to whole-body radio frequency radiation at a Frequency (1,900 MHz) and modulations (GSM AND CDMA) used by cellphones

Falcioni L et al.(2018): Report of final results regarding brain and heart tumors in Sprague-Dawley rats exposed from prenatal life until natural death to mobile phone radiofrequency field representative of a 1.8 GHz GSM base station environmental emission. Environ Res 2018; 165: 496-503

ATHEM-2 (2016): Untersuchung athermischer Wirkungen elektromagnetischer Felder im Mobilfunkbereich, AUVA Report-Nr.70; Hrsg. Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt, Österreich

Choi et al. (2020): Cellular Phone use und Risk of Tumor: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17, 8079:

  • "In sum, the updated comprehensive meta-analysis of casecontrol studies found significant evidence linking cellular phone use to increased tumor risk, especially among cell phone users with cumulative cell phone use of 1000 or more hours in their lifetime (which corresponds to about 17 min per day over 10 years), and especially among studies that employed high quality methods."

see also: https://www.diagnose-funk.org/1635

[5] https://www.diagnose-funk.org/1797

[6] https://www.diagnose-funk.org/1891

[7] https://www.diagnose-funk.org/1692

[8] EESC opinion: https://www.diagnose-funk.org/1828

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diagnose:funk Brennpunkt
15.01.2023Format: A4Seitenanzahl: 16 Veröffentlicht am: 02.03.2023 Bestellnr.: Online DownloadSprache: EnglischHerausgeber: diagnose:funk

Who is entitled to interpret the risks of mobile phone radiation?

About campaigns of an industrial cartel, Federal Office for Radiation Protection and ICNIRP
In 2022, there were four media campaigns in Germany with the message: mobile phone radiation is no health risk for children and adults. diagnose:funk proves in this ‘Brennpunkt’ (Focus) that the population was disinformed with these campaigns and reveals the tactics of manipulation. Whether or not mobile phone radiation is harmful to health is not only the subject of a debate about the results of research. It is also a debate about product marketing, in this case the multi-billion-dollar business of a key industry. The `Brennpunkt´ on the sovereignty of interpretation of the risks of mobile phone radiation documents in five analyses how research results are manipulated for product marketing and instrumentalised for the disinformation of the population:1. the devaluation of the results of the STOA study. 2. the misinterpretation of the results of the of the MOBI Kids Study. 3. the misinterpretation of the UK-Million Women study. 4. the disinformation of the medical profession in the 5G article by the ICNIRP representative Prof. M. Röösli in the journal Aktuelle Kardiologie. 5. the tactics of industry propaganda.
Format: A4Seitenanzahl: 16 Veröffentlicht am: 12.01.2023 Bestellnr.: 250Sprache: DeutschHerausgeber: diagnose:funk

Die Auseinandersetzung um die Deutungshoheit zu Risiken der Mobilfunkstrahlung

Über Kampagnen eines Kartells von Industrie, Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz und ICNIRP
Ob Mobilfunkstrahlung gesundheitsschädlich ist oder nicht, darüber wird nicht nur eine Wissenschaftsdebatte über Ergebnisse der Forschung geführt. Bei dieser Debatte geht es auch und vor allem um Produktvermarktung, in diesem Fall um das Milliardengeschäft einer Schlüsselindustrie. Dieser brennpunkt dokumentiert die Auseinandersetzung. Im Jahr 2022 gab es vier Entwarnungskampagnen, basierend auf vier Studien mit der Botschaft: Mobilfunkstrahlung ist unbedenklich für die Gesundheit, ein Krebsrisiko besteht nicht. Das beweise die MOBI-Kids-Studie, die bisher weltweit größte Studie zu Hirntumoren und Kinder. Mit der UK-Million Women Studie liege auch der Beweis für Erwachsene vor. In einem von ICNIRP-Mitglied Prof. M. Röösli verfassten Artikel zu 5G in der Zeitschrift Aktuelle Kardiologie bekamen gezielt Mediziner diese Botschaft übermittelt. Abgeordneten des deutschen Bundestages wird vom deutschen Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS) und dem Umweltministerium mitgeteilt, die STOA-Studie, die Schädigungen zu Krebs und Fertilität auswertet, sei unwissenschaftlich. Diagnose:funk nahm zu allen diesen Meldungen Stellung.
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